Submission: Homework is due by 11:59 pm on Gradescope. Late submissions will not be accepted.
Grading: Submissions will be graded on a 0/1 scale. Each assignment will consist of 8 problems. A good attempt at 6 or more problems will receive the score of 1; anything else will get 0. Course staff will define what constitutes a "good attempt." We will be looking for reasoning and detailed work shown – it is assumed that you will show work or provide reasoning whether or not the question asks for it.
Your lowest two homework scores will be dropped.
Academic Honesty: Cheating will not be tolerated. While you are encouraged to work with other people, you must write up your own solutions.
Step 1: Go through lecture notes and/or skim the text (see the Reading page). This is important. Note what the main ideas are and what techniques are being used in the examples. Read the text more carefully if you don't follow the examples.
Step 2: Try a problem.
Step 3: If you get stuck, return to Step 1.
Iterate a couple of times, reading more carefully each time and trying the same problem. Most likely you'll be able to solve it. If you still can't, only then proceed to Step 4.
Step 4: Move to another problem and seek help with the one that is giving trouble.
In our experience many students start with Step 2 and, if they get stuck, proceed immediately to Step 4. This method is inefficient and doesn't result in much learning. Before you come to the instructors or to the Student Learning Center, do the reading first! You may not need to make the trip at all.
In what follows, Exercise x.y.n is Problem n in the Exercises at the end of Section x.y. Exercise x.rev.n is Problem n in the Review Exercises at the end of Chapter x.